Monday, May 12, 2008


What is CIE?

  • It is a body or center that institutionalizes the experiencing, knowing and witnessing the faith.
  • Integral - because it looks after the total development of the human person which according to the gospel of St. John 10:10 states: "I have come that they may have life to the full".


Nourished by the Word of God and inspired by the virtues of St. Joseph being obedient, hardworking and just; St. Joseph' Academy commits itself to direct its purpose as a parochial school in molding its students towards excellence.


To coordinate and integrate the three fold dimensions of faith (Doctrine, Moral and Worship) within St. Joseph's Academy, school curriculum. To develop, deepen and renew the Josephian spirituality of the SJA community.


  • By assisting the students in their search for a deeper understanding of their Catholic Faith.
  • By helping the students understand and appreciate the religious truth they are being taught.
  • By creating an atmosphere of a growing school community where faith is enriched by experienced.
  • By making the students and faculty aware of the social, political, economic and cultural conditions of the Filipino people.
  • By giving the students and faculty the opportunity to respond to realities according to the teachings of the gospel and the Church.
  • By having meaningful and liturgical celebrations and other significant activities related to Church celebrations / liturgical seasons.